Stiles Says: The public has absolutely no obligation to consume your content. Zero. Zip. They owe you nothing. Start caring what kind of content they want from you.
The Bullets:
- Marketers are confused about tactics and how to execute them to generate great content.
- Just because content is out there it doesn’t mean it’s going to get read.
- Consumers don’t need your attention…you need theirs.
- If your only purpose for creating content is to sell, your audience will recognize it straight away.
- Without listening to what consumers want, there’s little hope for your content strategy.
- The digital landscape has been bombarded with “invitation avalanche” – hundreds vying for Likes, tweets, follows and clicks.
- It’s more important than ever to stand out.
- Create your own voice by humanizing your brand.
Read the full deal by Haylie Pretorius at Business2Community.
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